Operation Saucer

Operation Saucer

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  • 29 Apr 2024

Operation Saucer, led by Captain Uyrangê Hollanda in 1977-78, investigated intense UFO activities in Colares, Pará. Documenting over 500 sightings, the Brazilian Air Force explored mysterious aerial phenomena but concluded without confirming extraterrestrial involvement, despite persistent public speculation and interest.

How did a small Brazilian town become a hotspot for UFO activity? What did the military actually find? And why does this case continue to capture the imagination of many?

Historical Context of Operation Saucer

The 1970s in Brazil were marked by an overwhelming number of UFO sightings, particularly in Pará, sparking a blend of fascination and fear among the populace. In response, the Brazilian government initiated Operation Saucer to investigate these phenomena and manage the growing public unease.

This investigation was crucial in setting the stage for a systematic approach to understanding UFO sightings, influenced by similar initiatives globally, such as the CIA’s early UFO investigations known as Project SAUCER before 1948, which later evolved into Project SIGN, GRUDGE, and BLUE BOOK .

Key Incidents and Sightings

Operation Saucer is most famously associated with the “Colares flap,” where numerous residents reported encounters with intense beams of light that allegedly caused physical effects such as burns and scars. During the approximately four-month operation, military personnel documented over 500 sightings, capturing several images of these phenomena.

Although the official conclusion stated that no unusual phenomena were found, the documented evidence and eyewitness accounts continue to provoke interest and speculation.

Government Response and Secrecy

Initially, all findings from Operation Saucer were classified, with only partial declassification occurring years later. The secrecy surrounding the operation spurred widespread speculation about its findings and the government’s motives for withholding information.

Recently, more documents have been made accessible through the Brazilian National Archives, offering researchers and the public new insights into the extent of the investigation and the nature of the collected evidence .

Impact and Legacy of Operation Saucer

The legacy of Operation Saucer has had a profound influence on both military and public perspectives on UFOs globally. The operation not only shaped Brazil’s approach to UFO reports but also contributed to the global dialogue on how governments handle unexplained aerial phenomena. The cultural impact in Brazil remains significant, with continued public interest and academic research spurred by the operation’s findings and ongoing revelations.


After approximately four months of investigation, the Brazilian Air Force found no unusual phenomena related to the reported UFO sightings. The operation was closed without any definitive evidence of extraterrestrial activity or alien involvement.

Today, Operation Saucer continues to be a topic of significant interest among UFO researchers and enthusiasts worldwide. As more information becomes available through declassifications and archival releases, the operation’s full implications and findings may provide further insights into the nature of UFO phenomena and government responses to them.


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