The 1609 UFO Turmoil in Gangwon Province, Korea

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  • 04 Oct 2023

The Event: A Timeline

On September 22, 1609, during the Gwanghaegun period, multiple UFO sightings were reported across Gangwon Province in Korea. The timeline of events is as follows:

  • Goseong, Wonju, Gangneung (9–11 am): The day started with sightings in these areas. Witnesses described a halo or washbowl-like object.
  • Chuncheon County (11 am – 1 pm): Sightings continued in Chuncheon County with similar descriptions.
  • Yangyang County (1–3 pm): Mun-wi Kim, a rank official, also reported a UFO sighting in Yangyang County.

Historical Records: Annals of the Joseon Dynasty

The 1609 UFO sightings are not just hearsay; they’re part of historical records. The events were documented in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, written about 400 years ago. These annals provide a detailed account of the sightings, including times and locations, making them a significant piece of evidence in the study of UFO phenomena.

Eyewitness Accounts

The records describe multiple witnesses, including Mun-wi Kim, a high-ranking official. The objects were described as halo or washbowl-shaped, and some accounts even mentioned that they appeared to be divided in two.

Government’s Silence

Interestingly, despite the detailed accounts in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, there is no information available on any official statements made by the Korean government regarding the sightings. This adds another layer of mystery to the event.

Modern Interpretations

The 1609 UFO sightings continue to be a subject of interest among ufologists and historians. Some argue for natural phenomena, while others believe the accounts are too consistent to be dismissed.

Recent UFO Activities in Korea

Korea has had its share of modern-day UFO sightings as well. Unidentified flying objects near the Korean DMZ and unannounced rocket launches have caused UFO scares, keeping the subject alive in public discourse.


The 1609 UFO Turmoil in Gangwon Province remains an unsolved mystery, but its documentation in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty gives it historical weight. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, the accounts from that day offer a fascinating glimpse into how unexplained phenomena have been observed and documented across cultures and throughout history.


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