The Lonnie Zamora Incident, UFO Encounter

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  • 23 Nov 2023

The Lonnie Zamora incident, which occurred on April 24, 1964, near Socorro, New Mexico, remains one of the most intriguing and well-documented UFO sightings in history.

The incident was reported by Lonnie Zamora, a respected police officer, and was subsequently investigated by various organizations, including the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book.

The Incident

On the afternoon of April 24, Lonnie Zamora was in pursuit of a speeding car when he was distracted by a loud roar and a flame in the sky. Initially suspecting an explosion at a nearby dynamite shack, Zamora changed course to investigate.

Upon reaching the site, he encountered an unusual shiny object, resembling an “O” in shape, with two humanoid figures in white coveralls nearby. As he approached, the object began to rise, accompanied by a loud roar and a blue and orange flame, before rapidly disappearing into the sky.

Artist impression of UFO based on claims by Zamora.

Investigations and Theories

The incident was thoroughly investigated by various parties. Project Blue Book, the U.S. Air Force’s project to investigate UFO sightings, classified the Zamora sighting as “unknown,” unable to provide a conventional explanation.

Skeptics, like Steuart Campbell, proposed natural explanations such as a mirage of the star Canopus. Other theories suggested a secret test of a lunar landing device from the nearby White Sands Missile Range or a prank by students from New Mexico Tech. However, none of these theories were conclusively proven, leaving the incident shrouded in mystery.

Aftermath and Legacy

The sighting had a significant impact on the local community and UFO research. The site of the incident was developed for tourism, featuring stone walkways and benches.

In 2012, a mural by artist Erika Burleigh was commissioned to commemorate the sighting. Lonnie Zamora, who passed away in 2009, avoided public discussions about the incident in his later years, having grown tired of the constant attention.

This UFO sighting stands out due to the credibility of the witness and the thoroughness of the investigations that followed. Despite various theories and extensive research, the incident remains unexplained, continuing to intrigue and puzzle both UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike.


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