Thutmose III Jebel Barkal Stele (1450 BC)

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  • 13 Aug 2023

A Celestial Fire from the Ancient Skies

In the annals of history, few events capture the imagination quite like the mysterious and awe-inspiring phenomena described in ancient texts. One such event, recorded in the Jebel Barkal Stele, takes us back to the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III, around 1450 BC, in the land of Ancient Egypt.

This celestial occurrence, where a “star” descended to set fire to Thutmose’s adversaries, has intrigued historians, archaeologists, and UFO enthusiasts alike. Let’s delve into this fascinating tale.

A Pharaoh’s Reign and a Celestial Sign

Thutmose III, often referred to as the “Napoleon of Egypt,” was a formidable ruler. His reign was marked by military conquests, expanding Egypt’s territories, and consolidating power. But one incident stands out, not for its earthly might but for its connection to the heavens.

According to the Jebel Barkal Stele, during a time of conflict, a celestial object, described as a “star,” descended from the sky. This was no ordinary star, for it set fire to Thutmose’s enemies, aiding him in his battle.

Interpretations and Theories

The description of this event has led to various interpretations. Some believe it to be a poetic metaphor, symbolizing divine intervention in favor of the Pharaoh. Others see it as a possible description of a meteorite or comet, whose fiery trail and impact could have been witnessed by the ancient Egyptians.

In recent times, the incident has also caught the attention of those interested in extraterrestrial phenomena. Could this “star” have been an unidentified flying object (UFO)? The idea may seem far-fetched, but it adds another layer of intrigue to an already captivating story.

The Legacy of the Jebel Barkal Stele

The Jebel Barkal Stele’s account is more than just an ancient tale; it’s a window into the beliefs, culture, and understanding of the cosmos in Ancient Egypt. It shows us how celestial events were intertwined with earthly affairs, often seen as omens or divine interventions.

Moreover, it opens up a dialogue between science and mythology, encouraging us to explore the boundaries of what we know and what might be possible. Whether a metaphor, a meteorite, or something more mysterious, the incident continues to spark curiosity and debate.


The Thutmose III Jebel Barkal Stele incident is a rich and enigmatic piece of history that continues to fascinate. It reminds us that the sky has always been a source of wonder and that our ancestors looked to the heavens for signs, guidance, and even intervention in their earthly struggles.

As we continue to explore our universe, incidents like this one remind us that there are still mysteries to unravel, connections to make, and stories to tell. The “star” that came down to aid Thutmose III may remain an enigma, but it continues to shine a light on our endless quest to understand the cosmos and our place within it.


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